柚木沙弥郎 リトグラフ巡回展はじまります。


無印良品 グランフロント大阪では、いろいろなイベントを開催しています。
今日は、2024年4月12日(金)よりはじまる、柚木沙弥郎 リトグラフ巡回展 “MON PARIS! MON TOKYO!” のお知らせです。

染色家柚木沙弥郎氏とパリの伝統的リトグラフ工房「Idem Paris」、そしてイデーで制作したオリジナルリトグラフの展示販売をおこないます。

開催店舗:無印良品グランフロント大阪 4Fイデー売場


MUJI GRAND FRONT OSAKA is pleased to present an exhibition and an exclusive opportunity to acquire original lithographs created in collaboration with Samiro Yunoki, a renowned stencil-dyeing artist, the traditional lithograph workshop 'Idem Paris,' and IDÉE.
These meticulously crafted pieces, inspired by original paintings by Yunoki, exude the unique charm of lithography with their vibrant colors and rich textures. This marks the debut exhibition of these works at a MUJI store in Japan, and we warmly invite you to come and experience these exquisite pieces firsthand.

Samiro Yunoki:
Born in Tokyo in 1922, Samiro Yunoki was deeply influenced by the 'Mingei' movement, led by Soetsu (Muneyoshi) Yanagi. Inspired by this movement, he studied under Keisuke Serizawa and dedicated himself to the art of dyeing. In 1955, he showcased his inaugural solo exhibition at Takumi Kohgei-ten in Ginza. Over the next 50 years, he created a plethora of artworks, which garnered acclaim both domestically and internationally, including at esteemed venues such as the Musée Guimet in France, the Japan Folk Crafts Museum, and the Setagaya Art Museum. Sadly, he passed away at the end of January 2024.

北館 2F〜4F